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O 16º. Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo, organizado pela Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo (SBPJor) nos dias 7 a 9 de novembro de 2018,  tem como tema “Pesquisa em Jornalismo: dos conflitos em pauta aos conflitos em campo”.

O tema será abordado na conferência de abertura, em 7 de novembro às 19h, pelo Prof. Dr. John S. Bak, intitulada “Journalistic Narratives about War and Conflict” (Narrativas Jornalísticas sobre Guerras e Conflitos). Professor da Universidade de Lorraine, na França, há cinco anos ele dirige o projeto de pesquisa Literary Journalism and War,


(Universidade de Lorraine – França)

ReportAGES, com apoio de várias instituições de pesquisa internacionais, como o Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (Wolfson College, Oxford University), o Medill School of Journalism (Northwestern University), o ReSIC (Université Libre de Bruxelles) e o Experimental Media Lab (Academy of Fine Arts Saar.


Esse projeto já produziu quatro conferências internacionais em Nancy (2014, 2015), Oxford (2016) e Malaga (2017, e dois livros até o presente momento: Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices and Literary Journalism and Africa’s Wars: Colonial, Decolonial and Postcolonial Perspectives (Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2016, 2018), sendo que dois outros se encontram em fase de edição (Latin American Wars: Revolutions, Retributions, Resignations e Spanish Civil War). 

Bak é um dos principais estudiosos do jornalismo literário internacional. Presidente fundador da International Association for Literary Studies (IALJS) em 2006, é atualmente membro do Conselho Consultivo de Estudos de Jornalismo Literário. Ele é coautor, com Bill Reynolds, da principal obra que traz uma perspectiva internacional sobre o tema Literary Journalism across the Globe: Journalistic Traditions and Transnational Influences (Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2011. xvi + 298 pp.). O pesquisador está entrando no seu segundo ano como Chaire Franco-Brésilienne na Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP).



Organized by the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor), the 16th Brazilian Journalism Researchers National Conference´s theme is "Research in Journalism: From Agenda Conflicts to Conflict in the Field". The conference will be held from November 7 to 9th, 2018, in São Paulo, Brazil.


The keynote speaker, Dr. John S. Bak, is professor of the Université de Lorraine, France, will address the theme “Journalistic Narratives about War and Conflict”. Bak’s long-term project on Literary Journalism and War, ReportAGES, has enjoyed the support of several leading international institutions in media and journalism studies, such as the Oxford Center for Life-Writing (Wolfson College, Oxford University), the Medill School of Journalism (Northwestern University), the ReSIC (Université Libre de Bruxelles), and the Experimental Media Lab (Academy of Fine Arts Saar).


This project has produced four international conferences in Nancy (2014, 2015), Oxford (2016) and Malaga (2017), produced two books (Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices and Literary Journalism and Africa’s Wars: Colonial, Decolonial and Postcolonial Perspectives (Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2016, 2018) – and two more are currently in production (one on Latin American Wars: Revolutions, Retributions, Resignations and the other on the Spanish Civil War). 


Bak is one of the leading scholars of international literary journalism. Founding President of the International Association for Literary Studies (IALJS) in 2006, he is currently a member of the Advisory Board for Literary Journalism Studies. He is co-author with Bill Reynolds of the leading work that brings an international perspective on the topic Literary Journalism across the Globe: Journalistic Traditions and Transnational Influences (Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2011. xvi + 298 pp.). He is entering his second year as Chaire Franco-Brésilienne at the State University Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP).

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